Goodbye to an Unsung Hero

By Dennis Marchiori, DC, PhD, Chancellor, Palmer College of Chiropractic

There are those among us who do great and significant things while remaining in the shadows. Many of these unsung heroes prefer it that way. They simply take heart in a job well-done and the knowledge that they made a lasting difference in the lives of others.

A short time ago, Palmer College and the chiropractic profession had to say goodbye to one of those unsung heroes: R. Richard "Dick" Bittner.

Dick Bittner passed away on Feb. 23, 2019. He was 90. Those who knew him well understood the tremendous impact he had on Palmer College and by extension, the chiropractic profession; a legacy that will continue to serve the profession and transform the college.

Dick served as Palmer College's corporate counsel and trusted adviser to several successor assemblies of the Palmer Board of Trustees and college administration until his recent death. One of his greatest achievements was the groundbreaking work he did with then-President David D. Palmer, DC, to transform Palmer College into a nonprofit institution in 1965. That work eventually led to another major milestone for the College: dual accreditation from the Council on Chiropractic Education and the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. This change set a new bar not only for Palmer College, but also for all chiropractic-education programs in the United States.

Dick Bittner - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark R. Richard "Dick" Bittner Future generations of Palmer students will benefit from his commitment to Palmer College and our educational and health care mission through his generous support to create the R. Richard Bittner Athletic & Recreation Center on the Palmer College campus. Ever humble, it took five attempts before Dick finally agreed to have the facility named after him in recognition of his support.

Like so many, I'll miss Dick Bittner. I'll miss his insight and guidance. But I take heart in the fact that I'll continue to be inspired by his poise, genius, advocacy and personal strength. His capacity to overcome, to create and to transform was inspirational to me and to the communities we share. We're collectively blessed by his commitment to improve the people and institution of Palmer College.

Vickie Anne Palmer, great-granddaughter of D.D. Palmer, founder of the chiropractic profession, summed it up very well when she said, "Mr. Bittner supported our mission to graduate the highest caliber of Palmer chiropractors. As Palmer College's legal counsel, his wisdom, advice, and gentle manner served Palmer College for over 50 years. He will be greatly missed."

We're collectively blessed by his commitment to improve Palmer College of Chiropractic and the profession. I'm confident that Dick Bittner's name will live on in recognition of his outstanding example of commitment and service.

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