Chiropractic Could Get a Huge Boost in Medicare

By Editorial Staff

Medicare's coverage of only a single chiropractic service (manual manipulation of the spine to correct a subluxation) may change soon if H.R. 7157, the Chiropractic Patients' Freedom of Choice Act of 2018, is approved:

It is the purpose of this Act to expand recognition and coverage of a doctor of chiropractic as a "physician" under the Medicare program in connection with the performance of any function or action, including current service of "manual manipulation of the spine to correct a subluxation as demonstrated to exist", as is legally authorized by the State in which such doctor performs such function or action.

A key section of the act is Section 3, "Providing Medicare Coverage for All Physicians' Services Furnished by Doctors of Chiropractic Within Their Scope of License":

Section 1861(r) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(r)) is amended by striking "a chiropractor who is licensed as such by the State (or in a State which does not license chiropractors as such, is legally authorized to perform the services of a chiropractor in the jurisdiction in which he performs such services), and who meets uniform minimum standards promulgated by the Secretary, but only for the purpose of sections 1861(s)(1) and 1861(s)(2)(A) and only with respect to treatment by means of manual manipulation of the spine (to correct a subluxation) which he is legally authorized to perform by the State or jurisdiction in which such treatment is provided" and inserting "a doctor of chiropractic who is licensed as a doctor of chiropractic or a chiropractor by the State in which the function or action is performed and whose license provides legal authorization to perform such function or action in such State or in the jurisdiction in which the function or action is performed."

H.R. 7157 is currently under review by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the House Committee on Ways and Means. To track the act's progress through Congress and access other details regarding this important legislation (including full text), click here.

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