News in Brief

By Editorial Staff

Chiropractic Takes Leap Forward in France

As detailed in the World Federation of Chiropractic's April 2018 Quarterly World Report, the chiropractic profession in France has furthered its cause as a distinct profession courtesy of a referential job description that outlines the role of the chiropractor as a distinct health care professional (rather than part of the physiotherapy or osteopathy professions).

The job description, the result of "three years of joint work between the French Chiropractic Association (AFC), the Institut Franco-Europeen de Chiropraxie (IFEC) and the French Ministry of Health," is a four-part document consisting of 1) a glossary of terms used in chiropractic; 2) authorized acts and activities; 3) scope and competencies; and 4) chiropractic education / training.

According to the WFC announcement, "The final texts were validated without request for correction by the High Authority of Health, the National Council of the order of Medical Doctors, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research."

New ACA President Named

The American Chiropractic Association has announced that N. Ray Tuck, Jr., DC, has been elected new president of the association. Dr. Tuck served as chairman of the ACA board for the past two years and was named interim ACA president at the association's March House of Delegates meeting, which yielded a six-member Board of Governors, but no new president.

Karen Konarski-Hart, DC, continues her service as ACA vice president. Rounding out the ACA board are Drs. Robert Jones, Michelle Maiers and Kathy Boulet, and public member Steven Roberts, JD, LLM.

Sherman College Responds To "Choosing Wisely" Recommendations

Sherman College of Chiropractic is the latest chiropractic organization to comment on the American Chiropractic Association's recent "Choosing Wisely" X-ray recommendations, releasing the following statement:

"Sherman College of Chiropractic supports an evidence-informed approach to the use of radiography in chiropractic practice. Doctors of chiropractic are responsible for determining the safety and appropriateness of chiropractic care. This responsibility includes the detection and characterization of vertebral subluxations, congenital and developmental anomalies which may affect the selection of chiropractic techniques, and conditions which may contraindicate certain chiropractic adjusting methods. Radiography may disclose conditions requiring referral to another type of health care provider. Sherman College teaches that the decision to x-ray should be based upon the patient's history, clinical presentation, and examination findings. Follow up x-rays to assess patient progress should be based upon clinical need. Further, the 'Choosing Wisely' campaign's use of arbitrary time frames to defer x-ray examinations is inappropriate, and not in the best interests of patient safety."

The International Chiropractors Association and Palmer College of Chiropractic recently issued statements that also appear to run counter to the ACA's recommendations. Review the ICA's statement in our December 2017 issue and Palmer's statement in our April 2018 issue.

Editor's Note: The print edition erroneously refers to Palmer-West, not Palmer College of Chiropractic. We apologize for this oversight and any confusion it may have caused.

R.I. DCs Speak at Medical CE Event

Three members of the Chiropractic Society of Rhode Island spoke about chiropractic as an alternative to opioids at the Rhode Island Medical Society's March 24 continuing-education session in Warwick, R.I. Drs. David Dwyer, Michael Gottfried and Angela Ciresi attended the event and contributed to the discussion on "finding alternatives to opioids."

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