Dedicated to Defending Chiropractic

Congratulations to our 2016 Person of the Year: George McAndrews, Esq.

By Peter W. Crownfield, Executive Editor

Whether you're a veteran DC or a first-trimester student, the name George McAndrews should be part and parcel of your professional vernacular, as familiar as the word chiropractic. After all, George is undoubtedly the most dedicated legal advocate when it comes to defending the profession – although truth be told, he's never been on the defensive.

Throughout his career, he's taken a decidedly offensive position, particularly in challenging any and all efforts by the American Medical Association and affiliated organizations to "contain and eliminate" chiropractic in any way.

As the profession celebrates the 40th anniversary of the historic Wilk, et al., v AMA, et al., lawsuit and George continues, to this day, fighting the forces that would oppose chiropractic, we recognize him (at long last) with Dynamic Chiropractic's 2016 Person of the Year award.

According to a recent ChiroPoll, one in four DCs is somewhat or completely unfamiliar with details of Wilk v AMA. Here's a brief synopsis to better acquaint the uneducated and remind those more familiar of what the case entailed and why it continues to mean so much to the chiropractic profession:1

George McAndrews - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark "Drs. Chester Wilk, Michael Pedigo, James Bryden and Patricia Arthur, led by Mr. George McAndrews, Esq., filed suit in October 1976 against the AMA. In U.S. District Court on Aug. 27, 1987, Judge Susan Getzendanner's 101-page opinion declared the AMA had engaged in a nationwide boycott of doctors of chiropractic by declaring it unethical for MDs to associate professionally with chiropractors. On Feb. 7, 1990, the U.S. Court of Appeals affirmed Judge Getzendanner's decision. In November 1990, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review the case.

"As part of the settlement, the Jan. 13, 1992 issue of the American Medical News (AMN) published Judge Getzendanner's permanent injunction order against the AMA (AMN pages 4-5), the revised AMA opinion on chiropractors (AMN page 5), and Mr. George McAndrews' 1,996 word essay (AMN pages 5-6). The revised AMA opinion on chiropractors appears as follows:

Revised Paragraph 3.08 of the Current Opinions of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs:
Chiropractic: It is ethical for a physician to associate professionally with chiropractors provided the physician believes that such association is in the best interests of his or her patient. A physician may refer a patient for diagnostic or therapeutic services to a chiropractor permitted by law to furnish such services whenever the physician believes that this may benefit his or her patient. Physicians may also ethically teach in recognized schools of chiropractic.

Dr. Lou Sportelli, president of the NCMIC Foundation, said of McAndrews:

"How does one individual spend 15 years of their legal lifetime on one lawsuit? This was the unknowing challenge faced by George McAndrews, Esq., who took on the [Wilk v AMA] lawsuit as a tribute to his father, brother [both of whom were DCs], extended family and profession."

"The chiropractic profession can never repay George for his years of dedication. Fortunately, he wants no payment except to see the profession his father loved and his daughter practices achieve parity and professional status – and that we can do by our future efforts."

Our DC archives contain ample resources you can access regarding George's involvement in chiropractic legal advocacy,2-4 particularly during his years of service as general counsel of the American Chiropractic Association.

Additionally, an even more comprehensive resource will soon be available: a book by Drs. Claire Johnson and Bart Green chronicling the Wilk trial and its impact on the enduring legacy of chiropractic. Complete details are available at, where you also can find out more about George and order a copy of the book.

At age 81, George remains a potent ally for the chiropractic profession.5 In fact, word has it he is currently involved in an important case, details of which have yet to be released.

Thank you, George, for your unwavering commitment to the chiropractic cause. Please accept our Person of the Year award as a small token of the profession's gratitude.


  1. "AMN Publishes Court Order, Revised AMA Opinion, and McAndrews' Essay." Dynamic Chiropractic, Jan. 31, 1992.
  2. "Judge Rules RICO Charges Directed Against Central DuPage Hospital in Chinnici Suit May Apply." Dynamic Chiropractic, Aug. 1, 1990.
  3. "Trigon and the Continuing Conspiracy Against Chiropractic." Dynamic Chiropractic, Nov. 30, 2003.
  4. McAndrews G. "Looking For-ward to the Future of Chiropractic: Those Who Forget the Past Are Condemned to Repeat It." Dynamic Chiropractic, May 6, 2008.
  5. "Right Back Where We Started? George McAndrews Fires Warning Shot at Bow of the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners." Dynamic Chiropractic, Jan. 15, 2015.

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