Industry News for Palmer College of Chiropractic
Davenport, Iowa 52803
- Dr. Mark Charrette
- Dr. Dan Murphy
- Dr. Guy Riekeman
- Dr. James Van Wagoner
- Plus many more
- Sports
- Philosophy
- Geriatrics
- Technique
- Radiology
- And much more!
- Davenport, IA
- San Jose, CA
- Virginia (3 locations)
- Package pricing available
- As low as $33 per seminar per DC
- Philosophy: California
- Sports: Iowa, Washington
- Philosophy: Rhode Island
- Technique: California
- Philosophy: Michigan
- Sports: Virginia
- Philosophy: Florida
- Technique: Virginia, California
- Sports: California, Ohio
- Leadership: Iowa
- Healthy Aging: Arizona, Florida
- $195-250, depending on location
- Keynote speaker
- Multiple presenters
- Latest information
- Interact with some of the top minds in the field covering many topics, including instrumentation technology, research, and marketing.
- November 2002: Davenport, IA
- Recognized technique leaders come together to review, present, and discuss the latest information in many chiropractic techniques.
- April 2003: Davenport, IA
- $250 each
- California: October 2002
- Iowa: December 2002
- Virginia: February 2003
- Iowa: October 2002
- California: December 2002
- Iowa: January 2003
- California: February 2003
- Virginia: May 2003
- The preeminent course of philosophical study in the profession leading to an honorary Legion of Chiropractic Philosophers award, LCP (Hon.).
- Starting October 2002
- This program helps prepare you to sit for the sports certification exam from the American Chiropractic Board of Sports PhysiciansTM.
- Starting early 2003 in VA, IA, WA
- $2500 for entire year-long program
- A 3-year course of study leading to testing for Diplomate status by the ICA Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics.
- Year I: 2003 - Chicago, IL
- This 2-year program is a continuation of sports certification and prepares participants to sit for the ACBSPTM diplomate test.
- Year II: 2003 - Chicago, IL
- A continuation of the Philosophy Colloquium, this 2+ year journey will lead to testing for a Diplomate in Philosophical Chiropractic Standards from the ICA Council on Chiropractic Philosophy.
- Begins 2002 - Davenport, IA
- Pricing differs by program
Full Range Post-Graduate Offerings
The Palmer Institute for Professional Advancement is proud to announce their full range of post-graduate offerings. While continuing with the popular License Renewal Seminar Series in Iowa, Virginia, and California, the Institute has also added several new seminar formats to better serve the needs of chiropractors.
License Renewal
License Renewal
A series of 12-hour seminars featuring the topics you've requested. These convenient series allow you to hear top speakers at affordable prices.
This new seminar format allows you to gain a broader perspective on a given topic, such as pediatrics, sports, or philosophy. Each Compendium features a variety of different speakers to make the weekend a lively, fast-paced overview.
A more in-depth, academic format lets you expand your mind with the latest information from leading authorities. Focuses on a single clinical theme, yet offers a variety of viewpoints and presenters.
These 3-weekend, 36-hour programs leading to a certificate of completion are designed to help you gain PRACtical experTISE in specific areas of study. The small group atmosphere allows you first-hand access to renowned teachers in their areas of expertise.
PracTiseTM Programs Beginning:
Radiology PracTiseTM
The PRACtical experTISE you need on the subjects you want.
Designed to help you specialize in areas of interest, these are year-long programs of concentrated study leading to an award, recognition, or test for certification.
Our highest-level programs help prepare you for a diplomate exam by a governing body. Suited to chiropractors seeking advanced recognition in a specialty area.
For more information on any of these programs or our other programs, products, and services, call the Palmer Institute at 1-800-452-5032.